Everyone Wants To WinThe bet is on and the stakes are so super, funny or nasty that the ambition to win the bet gets the adrenaline pumping. The fact is, the stake is absolutely essential for a really good bet. Do you bet that these 50 betting ideas for friends will drive the losers to the brink of despair, make them laugh out loud and make the winners scream with joy? The same scream of joy you can hear when trying out Bet20.
Betting between friends is great fun – if it’s a good bet where the winner is completely open and the stake is really attractive. The more the ambition to win the bet (or not to lose it) is fuelled in everyone who bets, the more tension, fun and excitement is created. And of course pure luck if you win. So a good bet with a great stake has everything that makes a good game. The important thing is that the betting ideas for friends may stretch the comfort zone or even be embarrassing – but the personal pain threshold of none of the fellow bettors must not be exceeded. It must therefore be okay for everyone who takes part to honour the betting debt. After all, betting debts are debts of honour, which means that anyone who loses has no reason in the world to avoid honouring them.
What are the best bets? The answer is clear: the ones that everyone simply wants to win – or, in the case of nasty bets, not to lose under any circumstances. We have categorised our bets into desirable, funny and nasty bet ideas for friends for a better overview. Want to bet that these harmless, super nasty and extremely funny bets will put you in a good mood, make you laugh and cause you to break out in a sweat?
The bet is not with a friend but with your crush or your crush? These bets for couples are exciting, romantic and tingling in a different way!

You can bet on anything. Bet that you don’t know all the lyrics to a song? Bet that Liverpool FC will win the football match? Bet that I can make you laugh in 3 minutes and you can’t stay serious? Top, the bet is on! And what are we betting on now? What exactly are the rules? There are criteria by which you should choose what to bet on and which bets are particularly good, and here they are:
If you already have a bet going and are looking for a wager, there is one absolutely essential criteria you should look for in your proposition: The wager is fun – most of all for the winner!
Bets must be worthwhile! The best bets are funny and make you laugh. Okay, maybe not the loser in the situation itself, but afterwards. There have been many betting stories that friends still tell each other decades later. In this respect, bets and good bets provide material for legends.
Original, funny bets are remembered. It is important that the diabolically nasty betting ideas for friends are okay for everyone. Everyone must realise that they can lose – that’s what makes them so exciting and thrilling!
The focus is on having fun. Anything below the belt or beyond your personal pain threshold is not a good bet.
The best funny, nasty and harmless bets: Ideas for friends

Harmless bets sound boring when you first read them – but they are anything but. I’m talking about betting ideas for friends where you don’t have to leave your comfort zone, or only leave it a little. At least hardly in comparison with the diabolically nasty bets that make you scream with happiness as a winner and make you gulp as a loser. Most of the funny bets are also not for the faint-hearted or those who find everything embarrassing. However, most of them definitely have what it takes to become an anecdote that you will all remember fondly.